Church Notices

The weekly news for Tipton St John and Venn Ottery churches

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Notices for Sunday 6th October

Although there is no church service in the parish this week, there is a 9.30 am online worship service, accessible through your internet browser from the home page of the website. If you need technical help with this please contact David, who will do what he can. Some familiar faces would love to welcome you to this live, 40-minute service, with the opportunity to chat with our warm online community both before and after the service.

You can also find details of services at local churches on the Mission Community website, in Tipton Times and on the notice board at the back of Tipton church (by the stairs).

Thursday 10th October 7.30 to 9.15 pm homegroup at Becky & David’s home. The aim of these weekly meetings is to grow in our personal faith, to get to know God better and in doing so get to know each other better. You are welcome to join us wherever you live and whatever your faith experience. We are currently studying the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

David and Becky Williamson: email David here or phone 07845 953984 or 01404 812493. St. Mary’s, Hayne Close, TSJ.

Harvest contributions to be donated to St. Petrock’s, a charity working with the homeless in Exeter can be delivered to David and Becky’s home any time before 13th October or David can collect them from you. The list of items St. Petrock’s can accept is at the back of Tipton Church or David can email it to you.

Next week:

Sunday 13th October 11 am Holy Communion in Tipton Church. All ages are welcome to receive God’s blessing at the Communion rail or to share the bread and wine with us if you would normally do so in your home church. Gluten free wafers are available.

Thurs. 17th 7.30 pm in Tipton Church: Prayer meeting open to all.

Sat. 19th Oct. 7.0 pm Auction evening at West Hill Church

Sunday 20th 9.30 Online worship service

10.30 am Café church in Tipton Community Hall: coffee, tea, pastries, chat, craft for all ages. Informal worship at 11 am with a theme of serving others.

Sat. 26th The clocks go back tonight – you get a lie-in!

Sunday 27th 9.30 am Holy Communion in Tipton Church.

3 pm All Souls’ Service in Tipton Church: a reflective service to remember our loved ones. Do stay for tea afterwards!

November dates:

Sunday 3rd 9.30 am Online worship service

Sat. 9th 10am – noon: Church coffee morning at Tipton Community Hall – Do join us for cake and book stalls, coffee & chat!

Sunday 10th Nov. 10.55 am Service of Remembrance in Tipton Church

Tues. 12th Nov. 7.0 for 7.20 pm Deanery Synod at All Saints Church, Sidmouth. Talk and discussion on connecting with all age groups in our community: all welcome. (Contact Becky for a lift, if needed).

Sunday 17th 9.30 am Online worship service

10.30 am Café church “what does the future hold in store?”

Sunday 24th 9.30 am Holy Communion at Tipton Church

Sunday 1st December 6.30 pm Advent Carol Service for all in our Mission Community.  Ottery St. Mary Parish Church: let David know if you would like a lift.

Could you help with some occasional cleaning of Tipton Church? If so, please contact Jenny on 07792 422059

Please ask Becky if you would like her to deliver a printed copy of the notice sheet, which is produced every week and is always available on the website (along with the prayer page).