Children and youth

Growing new disciples and building the faith of our children and families

Churches working together to offer age-appropriate provision in worship and activities

Lots of cuddly teddy bears

We want to grow younger

Children and young people are under represented in our weekly Sunday worship and we are very aware of the need to encourage and support the faith of our younger people. As a Mission Community we aim to offer a range of opportunities for children, young people and families to meet Christians and also to engage with the Christian faith and worship.

Services for children and young people

Children are very welcome at all our Sunday services and many of our churches have toys and areas specifically set aside for children. While some services are more “grown-up” there are services across the Mission Community that are more suitable for younger ages or are more informal.

Photo of children singing a hymn at a family service

Groups for children and young people

There is something going on for children most days across the Mission Community catering for a range of ages.

Please note that not all the groups run during school holidays or on Bank Holidays so check the calendar below to confirm if a group is being run.

If you would like to become a volunteer for one of the groups please get in touch with the listed contact. Please note all volunteers are recruited by the safer recruitment process.

Age group 0 - 3

  • Tea, Toast and Toys

    We offer a friendly welcome, tea, coffee or milk, toast with marmalade, jam or Marmite and toys for the little ones (pre-schoolers and toddlers). All ages are welcome, with or without children. Come along for a chat, to meet friends or make new ones and to relax.

    • West Hill village hall

    • Friday (Term time only)

    • 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM

    • Pam Johns on 01404 814096

    Cups of tea with biscuits and cake
  • Toddler Group

    Fun and games for little ones to enjoy with refreshments for the grownups and snacks and drinks for the children.

    • West Hill village hall

    • Monday (Term time only)

    • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    • Sue Ritchie on 01404 814811

    A toddler building a tower out of soft blocks
  • Tea and Toast

    Somewhere comfortable to start the week with a cuppa and a chat before you tackle what needs to be tackled. Drop in for tea & toast, and of course something delicious to spread on it! 
Ideal for young Mums, Dads or childminders (bring your toddlers) and those new to the village.

    • Newton Poppleford Church Hall

    • Monday (Term time only)

    • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    • Fiona Gunn on 01395 567077

    A cup of tea with toast, butter and jam
  • Tots’ Praise

    Come and meet Dog-in-a-Bag who helps lead our short service. We make a lot of noise with our instruments at singing time and we share the prayers we have on our hearts each week. A time of play and refreshments afterwards.

    • Ottery St Mary Church

    • Wednesday (Weekly)

    • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    • Rev'd Lydia Cook on 07725046700

    Young children in church at the Tot's praise service
  • Tots’ Time

    Toys, action songs, refreshments: a time to make friends and build relationships.

    • Ottery St Mary Church

    • Monday (Term time only)

    • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

    • Rosie Hall on 07795835000

    A child smiling while drawing

Age group 4+

  • Tea and Toast

    Somewhere comfortable to start the week with a cuppa and a chat before you tackle what needs to be tackled. Drop in for tea & toast, and of course something delicious to spread on it! 
Ideal for young Mums, Dads or childminders (bring your toddlers) and those new to the village.

    • Newton Poppleford Church Hall

    • Monday (Term time only)

    • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    • Fiona Gunn on 01395 567077

    A cup of tea with toast, butter and jam
  • Messy Church

    This is an informal church for families. Its values are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Together, we use hands-on crafts and activities to explore Bible stories. After the activities and a clergy-led talk, the children have tea whilst the adults enjoy a cup of tea/coffee. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

    • Newton Poppleford Church Hall

    • Monday (Last Monday of the month, term time only)

    • 3:30 PM - 6:15 PM

    • Rosemary Pavitt on 01404 871443

    A child holding up very painted hands
  • Messy Church

    This is an informal church for families. Its values are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Together, we use hands-on crafts and activities to explore Bible stories. The children have tea whilst the adults enjoy a cup of tea/coffee. This is followed by a short lay-led talk, crafts, activities and music. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

    • West Hill Church Hall

    • Friday (3rd Friday of the month, term time only and not July)

    • 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM

    • Rosemary Hudson on 01404 234578

    A child holding up very painted hands
  • Kingdom Kids

    Kingdom Kids is for children aged 3+ to enjoy singing, craft, storytime and fun. There are separate activities for older children.

    • Ottery St Mary Church

    • Thursday (Term time only)

    • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    • Jane Bennet on 07951862725

    A photo of the Kingdom Kids junior choir
  • Messy Church

    This is an informal church for primary school age children. Its values are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Together, we use hands-on crafts and activities to explore Bible stories. After the activities and a talk, the children have tea.

    • Payhembury Church

    • Wednesday (4th Wednesday of the month, term time only)

    • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

    • Rev'd Dave Carrington on 01404 850905

    A child holding up very painted hands

Age group 11+

  • Chill Out

    A youth group for those in Year 6 and upwards with games, crafts or activities, teaching and food, usually chips!

    • Newton Poppleford Church Hall

    • Sunday (2nd Sunday of the month)

    • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    • Rosemary Pavitt on 01395 871443

    Older children holding hands

Children and youth activities calendar

Calendar colour key


Colaton Raleigh




Newton Poppleford

Ottery St Mary


Tipton St John

Venn Ottery

West Hill



Filter the calendar

To filter the parishes in the calendar, either click on the funnel icon and choose the parish or enter the name of the parish, service or event into the text search field and click the search button.

To change the display to a grid or list of services/events, click on the calendar icon.

9:15 AM
All Ages
Payhembury Church
9:00 AM
Toddler Group
West Hill Village Hall
9:00 AM
Tea and Toast
Newton Poppleford Church Hall
2:00 PM
Tots' Time
Ottery St Mary Church
9:30 AM
Tots' Praise
Ottery St Mary Church
4:00 PM
Kingdom Kids
Ottery St Mary Church
8:45 AM
Tea, Toast and Toys
West Hill Village Hall
3:45 PM
Messy Church
West Hill Church Hall
9:30 AM
Tots' Praise
Ottery St Mary Church
9:00 AM
Tea and Toast
Newton Poppleford Church Hall
9:00 AM
Toddler Group
West Hill Village Hall
2:00 PM
Tots' Time
Ottery St Mary Church
9:30 AM
Tots' Praise
Ottery St Mary Church
5:30 PM
Messy Church
Payhembury Church
4:00 PM
Kingdom Kids
Ottery St Mary Church
8:45 AM
Tea, Toast and Toys
West Hill Village Hall
Events on February 9th
All Ages
9 Feb 25
Events on February 10th
Toddler Group
10 Feb 25
West Hill
Tea and Toast
10 Feb 25
Newton Poppleford
Tots' Time
10 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 12th
Tots' Praise
12 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 13th
Kingdom Kids
13 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 14th
Tea, Toast and Toys
14 Feb 25
West Hill
Messy Church
14 Feb 25
West Hill
Events on February 19th
Tots' Praise
19 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 24th
Tea and Toast
24 Feb 25
Newton Poppleford
Toddler Group
24 Feb 25
West Hill
Tots' Time
24 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 26th
Tots' Praise
26 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Messy Church
26 Feb 25
Events on February 27th
Kingdom Kids
27 Feb 25
Ottery St. Mary
Events on February 28th
Tea, Toast and Toys
28 Feb 25
West Hill