The point of the sermon is not to allow the preacher a captive audience but to inspire and challenge the hearers
Preachers may preach on the passage or passages of Scripture set for the day, or think about a theme of Christian living, or reflect on issues in the wider world. Their thoughts are not the only perspective and please do feel free to contact anyone offering a sermon with your questions and insights: it’s always encouraging to preachers to spark a conversation. Do take the opportunity to listen again. You can take your time and listen from the comfort of your armchair rather than a pew…
Recent sermons
Tears in heaven
By Rev'd David Carrington on Sunday 2nd February
1 Corinthians 12 – A Beautiful Body
By Rev'd Mark Ward on Sunday 26th January
Seeing signs
By Rev'd Lydia Cook on Sunday 19th January
Best of times, worst of times (Isaiah 43:1-7, Luke 3:21-22)
By Rev'd David Carrington on Sunday 12th January
Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12)
By David Williamson on Sunday 5th January
St John The Evangelist – 1 John 1
By Caroline Poultney on Sunday 29th December