
Mustard Seed in Sidmouth

Posted on Wednesday 29th January

Given the planned closure of the Mustard Seed Cafe and Bookshop in March, some Sidmouth church people hope to form a steering group to examine possibilities for future ministry at the Mustard Seed premises.

Such work

(1) would be based on Christian faith,

2) needs financial viability, and

(3) would aim to continue to offer workplace opportunities for vulnerable people.

Andie Miles and Naomi Hogg, members of All Saints and Sidmouth Catholic Church respectively, are convening a meeting to address this, with a view to forming a concrete proposal. If your abilities/experience mean you could contribute to this in either a strategic or an operational way, please pray for discernment, and, if you wish to attend the meeting on 11th Feb. at 4.30 (at the Mustard Seed), please let Andie know.