When you arrive at the church you will be welcomed and you will find a hymn book and a prayer book in the pew.
The choir leads the worship of this service and there may be an introit before the service starts. We open with a hymn and then say sorry to God for the things we have said and done that have hurt or wounded others or ourselves. The choir sings the psalm which is a poem/song from the OT that Jesus would have used in his worship. We then listen to readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible interspersed with two more songs from the Bible called the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis, which again the choir sings. There is a sermon of about 10-15 minutes and then prayers for the needs of the church, the world, our community, and those who have asked for personal prayer if they are poorly or bereaved. All this is interspersed with 3 more hymns and a choir anthem.
The whole service lasts about an hour.