Prayer Diary 24th – 30th March
Heavenly Father, as we take up our cross, give us willing hearts to humbly follow you.
Father, as we continue our Lenten journey forgive us for the times when we fail you, when we turn our backs and choose our own comfort and safety. You challenged your disciples to take up their cross and follow you, and we want to be like them. Show us, Lord, what things of this world we can let go of to make us more free to take up the cross, teach us to serve and not to count the cost.
Father, at this time of Lent we pray that your spring-clean may be thorough. Show us clearly those sins in our lives which we no longer even notice, and help us to bring our sins to you in penitence and faith, asking for your forgiveness.
Your disciples abandoned you when you needed them most – forgive us when we have abandoned or denied you, when we have missed opportunities to tell others about you and all that you have done for us. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.
We pray for countries where justice seems far away, where human rights are ignored. We pray for Christians living in countries experiencing persecution but who continue to carry their cross daily whatever the cost. And we pray for Christians who are wrongly imprisoned, as they look to you Lord give them strength, encouragement and protection.
We pray that during this time of Lent we will be generous with our time, do something simple like meeting up with a friend in need, making a difference and being a blessing. In your name we ask that we may be a channel for your peace and love.
Lord Jesus, suffering servant, help us to follow your example. Give us the strength to reach out to others, seeing their needs and caring for them. May we love as you love, may we care as you do, without expectation and without counting the cost. Lead us into a deeper understanding of your compassionate care for others.
We pray that this time of Lent will be a time of personal spiritual growth. May we open up our lives to the possibilities of what God has for us, being changed by his word and his presence in our lives. We live in hope having confidence in God’s promises, knowing they will be fulfilled.