Prayer Diary 20th – 26th January
Part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Thank you, Lord, that as the church shows love to one another,
we can be transformed into a united body
which shows a different and attractive way of living,
pointing the way to Christ.
We give thanks to God for the richness that we have in our differing Christian traditions.
We pray to be open to embrace one another’s expressions of faith;
ready to experience God in new ways together.
As the people of God,
we can accomplish so much more together than apart.
Lord, please rub off our rough edges that we may be more closely
united in building the kingdom of heaven.
Father, in unity is strength.
May we be united in our love for you, each other and the world;
may your peace enfold us as we work for unity in our churches.
Enable us to love and respect one another in all areas of life.
Lord, as individuals and as different churches,
show us how many things we have in common
and teach us not to concentrate on our differences.
Join us together in the love of God
that our unity may become even stronger.
Lord, we thank you for those you’ve given to walk alongside us,
those who think and act the way we do
and those who are different from us.
May we see Christ in each one as we journey through life together,
supporting and encouraging one another.
We give thanks for the rich tapestry of our different churches.
May we rejoice in each other’s traditions
and come together in love and respect
to experience new ways of worshipping God
and growing closer to each other.