Welcome to Payhembury church
Payhembury church is a busy warm and welcoming place for all ages. There are 4 services in the month, all different, to accommodate different ages and tastes. On the first Sunday we hold a parish Communion at 11.00 and on second Sundays an All Ages service at 9.15. On third Sundays our service is in the evening at 6pm: a lay led service of prayer, reflection and music. Lastly on fourth Sundays we have Cafe Church at 9.15am in the Village Hall – coffee and croissants and lots of fun. This is our most accessible service, as our church steps are not easy for everyone. We have a flourishing children’s ministry and our older congregation is usually between 15 and 25. We have a midweek cafe in our church “sitting room” on a Thursday morning and lots of other social activities through the month.
Location and information
Church of St Mary the Virgin
Church Lane
EX14 3HR
Nearest defibrillator
mission.amount.customersLatitude / longitude
Church Officers
Churchwardens (or if vacant the parish priest) can help you with general enquiries about the church, and if you are researching your family history. PCC Secretaries can help with information about the work of the Parochial Church Council and any correspondence should be directed to them. PCC treasurers deal with the finances of the church and are always pleased to discuss giving to the church or making a legacy in your will.
Babs Leach
Christine Thair
PCC Secretary
Pat Fowler
PCC Treasurer
Contact an officer
Church accessibility
As a Mission Community we are very aware that our ancient buildings are not always the most accessible. Where possible we have made changes to make them more user-friendly but there are some limitations that we are not able to work round.
Limited parking
Churchyard not wheelchair friendly
Church not wheelchair friendly
No hearing loop

Church features
All of our churches are unique many date back many hundreds of years. Each building tells a story and highlighted below are some of the features that are especially noteworthy.
Refreshment area
15thC Rood screen
Wagon roof, bosses and carvings
Victorian font lid lifting mechanism
Fragments of 15th and 16th C glass
1740 George II coat of arms

There has been a church on the site since the 12th C and the tower of the church dates back to this time. Prior to the dissolution Payhembury Church was held by Ford Abbey.
The current building is grade 1 listed dating from the 15th and early 16th centuries, though much restored in 1887 bringing a lot of Gothic style into the church. This can be seen in the reading desk, lectern and font cover – all the work of G Fellowes Prynne of Exeter.
There are lots of references to the church being dedicated to the Virgin Mary – statues of her are above the south door in the porch with two more in the church.
Three of the bells in the present ring of 6 are thought to date from 1583, two were added in 1665 and a 6th in 1853.
The pews in the church show the long history of seating – some of them are the original 15th C benches but most are 19th C copies with the 15th C panel ends stuck on.
For a more detailed history please visit the Historic England page.
Welcome to our church A view of the east and south sides Carved angel playing a volin Carved angel playing a flute Carved angel playing a tambourine Carved angel playing a mandolin Carved pew frontal Crown of thorns boss Piercings of Christ boss Crucifixion cross boss Scourging of Jesus boss Thirty pieces of silver boss Slave ear and St Peter's knife boss Crucifixion robe boss Crucifixion equipment boss The children's area George II coat of arms The font lid The font The Chancel ceiling A view to the east A view to the west The ornate screen and ceiling The lectern The Gosill memorial A pew end The priest's door Screen detail Top of the screen The social area The south entrance The south porch Virgin Mary statue The east window A view from above Summer flower arrangement The Nave