Welcome to Tipton St John church
Tipton St John Church (known as The Church on The Hill) is a welcoming family of all ages, aiming to share God’s love with our community. We use a variety of styles of worship, reverent, relaxed and relevant. We number 15 – 20 at a usual Sunday service. We particularly value our links with Tipton’s Church of England Primary School and seek ways to develop our ministry and outreach to children. Lay ministry is also a developing area of our life together and we encourage our members to discern and use their gifts. Our annual August bank holiday Fete is a fixture in village life.
Location and information
Church of St John the Evangelist
1 Metcombe Rise
Tipton St John
EX11 1ST
Nearest defibrillator
fabric.sing.blankLatitude / longitude
Church Officers
Churchwardens (or if vacant the parish priest) can help you with general enquiries about the church, and if you are researching your family history. PCC Secretaries can help with information about the work of the Parochial Church Council and any correspondence should be directed to them. PCC treasurers deal with the finances of the church and are always pleased to discuss giving to the church or making a legacy in your will.
Alison Stevens
PCC Secretary
Chris Schofield
PCC Treasurer
Contact an officer
Church accessibility
As a Mission Community we are very aware that our ancient buildings are not always the most accessible. Where possible we have made changes to make them more user-friendly but there are some limitations that we are not able to work round.
Open daily 9 AM - 5 PM
Car park
Churchyard accessible but steep
Church accessible with ramps
Hearing loop

Church features
All of our churches are unique many date back many hundreds of years. Each building tells a story and highlighted below are some of the features that are especially noteworthy.
Children's area
Wildlife friendly churchyard
Refreshment area
Gallery seating
Decorated corbels
Queen Victoria coat of arms

St John the Evangelist was founded as a parish church after the creation of the parish in 1837. Local people paid for the land and the building of the church and it was consecrated on 29th April 1840 by the Lord Bishop of Exeter, and its church school was established in 1843 and still has close links today. The church, designed by Mr John Hayman who was later to become Devon’s foremost architect, was constructed in the style of the 13th century Salisbury Cathedral. The single church bell was installed in 1839.
The church was built to accommodate 232 people on the ground floor with a further 78 seats in the gallery.
The church has some notable stained glass windows, as well striking fittings such as the reredos, the Royal Coat of Arms of Queen Victoria and the carved sanctuary chairs.
For a more detailed history please visit the Historic England page.
A view of the east-side The children's area Main churchyard entrance Bluebells in the churchyard Looking west in the churchyard Decorated captial The school section of the gallery The choir section of the gallery Spring wild flowers A view from the gallery Inside looking east Inside looking west Looking east in the churchyard The consecration plaque The reredos The west window The crucifixion Jesus and an evangelist St Peter and St James the Great Jesus carrying the cross and as light of the world Jesus welcomes children and gives Peter his commission Stained glass window detail A view of the west end during summer A view of the north-side The congregation