Church Notices

The weekly news for Tipton St John and Venn Ottery churches

Find out what's happening and come and join in

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Notices for 19th January

Sunday 19th 9.30 am Online worship service (details below)

10.30 am Café church in Tipton Community Hall, suitable for all ages. Come along at 10.30 am for coffee, tea, pastries, chat and a craft activity. Our theme this month is Jesus, the miracle-maker.

Stay at your table for informal worship, from about 11 am.

Thursday 23rd 7.30 pm in Tipton Church Prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – everyone welcome!

Sunday 26th 9.30 am Holy Communion at Tipton Church.

At our service of Holy Communion, all ages are welcome to receive God’s blessing at the Communion rail or to share the bread and wine with us if you would normally do so. Gluten free wafers are available on request, either in advance or ask the minister when at the rail.

Everyone is welcome to homegroup at Becky & David’s home (details overleaf) on Thursdays at 7.30 pm. 30th January is the start of a 4 week informal Bible study series on food and eating. Refreshments provided!

Sat. 1st February Church Coffee Morning in Tipton Community Hall – Do join us for cake, home produce and book stalls, coffee & chat!

Sunday 2nd There is no church service in the parish on the first Sunday of the month: You can find details of services at local churches on the website (overleaf) and on the notice board at the back of Tipton church (by the stairs). There is also online worship for all:

1st and 3rd Sundays of the month: 9.30 am – 10.10 am live online worship service, accessible on Zoom through your internet browser from the home page of the website (overleaf). David Williamson can visit you in advance to give whatever technical help he can to get you connected to us. Each service is led by either David or Caroline, with live music being provided by Becky and Matthew. There is the opportunity to chat with everyone from 9.20 am and afterwards.

Sunday 9th February 11 am Holy Communion at Tipton Church

Mon 10th 7.30pm PCC meeting at David and Becky’s home

Sunday 16th Online Worship; Café Church in Tipton Community Hall

Thursday 20th February No homegroup (half term break)

Sunday 23rd 9.30 Holy Communion at Tipton Church

Sunday 2nd March 9.30 am Live online worship – details overleaf.

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Every 6 years a new list of those who wish to be on the electoral roll of the church parish is compiled. This is the year! You need to fill in an application form (some are on the table by the door), or ask Becky Williamson (the Electoral Roll Officer) to give or send you one, then return it to her by 9th March at the latest.

Otter Vale Mission Community website:

If you would like to make a card payment to support the work of the church in our parish, you can do so by clicking on the donate button top right of the home page.

The Tipton church page (menu tab at top) has links to the weekly notice sheet (this) and the monthly prayer page. If you want a paper copy of either of these please contact David or Becky Williamson

 Church contacts

Our vicar: Rev’d Mark Ward (Day off: Tues.)

phone 01404814282 or e-mail

Caroline Poultney’s email

David and Becky Williamson: 01404 812493. St. Mary’s, Hayne Close, TSJ.   Email David or phone 07845 953984; Becky  (07583 496883)