Church Notices

The weekly news for Tipton St John and Venn Ottery churches

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Notices for 23rd March

9.30 Holy Communion at Tipton Church.

Today’s readings (page numbers in the Church Bibles):

1 Corinthians chapter 10: 1 – 13 (p 808); Luke chapter 13: 1 – 9 (p 736)

Thursday 27th 7 pm (coffee) for a 7.30 pm prompt start for this week’s Lent Course on unanswered prayer. It is for everyone in this part of the Otter Vale Mission Community and we are meeting at the church hall behind St. Luke’s in Newton Poppleford. Please contact David (07845 953984) to arrange sharing of transport (either an offer or request).

If you would like to influence the direction of the wider Church of England, do please share your views about the qualities, values and vision the next Archbishop of Canterbury will ideally have. The public consultation is running until 28th March. You submit your view online: or post it to: Canon Stephen Knott, The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments, Canterbury Crown Nominations Commission (CNC), Lambeth Palace, London, SE1 7JU.

Sat 29th Could you make one (or more) flower posies? If so, please deliver them to the buckets of water in Tipton Church today. Thank you!

Mothering Sunday 30th 11 am at Tipton church. Morning Worship. All ages welcome: posies for all who want one!

Mon 31st Annual Parochial Church Meeting 7.30pm Tipton Community Hall (Main Hall). The Annual Report for 2024 is available to read on the website (overleaf) under the parish drop-down menu. The new Electoral Roll is on display in both of our church porches. Please contact Becky (07853 496883) if you need your name correcting.

Sat. 5th April Church Coffee Morning in Tipton Community Hall.

There is no church service in the parish on the first Sunday of the month: You can find details of all services in our Mission Community on the website (overleaf) and local ones on the notice board at the back of Tipton church (by the stairs).

1st and 3rd Sundays of the month: 9.30 am – 10.10 am live online worship service, accessible on Zoom through your internet browser from the website (overleaf). David Williamson can visit you in advance to give whatever technical help he can to get you connected to us. Each service is led by either David or Caroline, normally with live music being provided by Becky and Matthew. You can chat with everyone from 9.20 am and afterwards.

Palm Sunday 13th April 11 am Holy Communion at Tipton Church

Services in Holy Week:

Thurs. 17th Maundy Thursday 7.0 pm St Luke’s Church, Newton Popp. Service of informal Holy Communion. Please contact David, who is coordinating transport, if you are able to offer a lift or need one.

Good Friday 2 pm Reflective service at Tipton Church

Sat. 10 am Worship on Tipton Playing Field for Easter Egg stravaganza

Easter Day: 5.45 am Sunrise Service at Tipton Church

                     9.30 am Morning worship at Venn Ottery Church

11 am Holy Communion for Easter at Tipton Church

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Otter Vale Mission Community website:

The Tipton church page (menu tab at top) has links to the weekly notice sheet (this) and the monthly prayer page. If you want a paper copy of either of these please contact David or Becky Williamson

If you would like to make a card payment to support the work of the church in our parish, you can do so by clicking on the donate button top right of the home page.

Church contacts  Our vicar: Rev’d Mark Ward (Day off: Tues.)

phone 01404814282 or e-mail

Caroline Poultney’s email

Jenny Parkin is our Safeguarding Officer: tel. 01404 811720.

David and Becky Williamson: St. Mary’s, Hayne Close, TSJ.

Email David or Becky                       01404 812493