Prayer Diary

Praying for those around the world

The monthly prayer diary for Tipton St John and Venn Ottery

A person praying in church

Prayers for January

Sharing God’s love with our community

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

Colossians 4:2

This month please pray especially for the residents of Venn Ottery Road, Venn Ottery and Southerton.

1st January – At the beginning of a brand new year we recommit ourselves to God’s service using this form of the Covenant Prayer:

I am no longer my own, but yours.

Your will, not mine, be done in all things, wherever you may place me,
in all that I do and in all that I may endure; when there is work for me and where there is none; when I am troubled and when I am at peace.

Your will be done when I am valued and when I am disregarded; when I find fulfilment and when it is lacking; when I have all things, and when I have nothing.

I willingly offer all I have and am to serve you, as and where you choose. Glorious and blessèd God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are mine and I am yours. May it be so for ever.

Let this covenant now made on earth be fulfilled in heaven. Amen.

1st January – The Wedding of Cami and Toby at Tipton – Lord, bless this couple and their respective families on this very special day as they celebrate their marriage. May their love for each other continue to grow day by day – watch over them as they take on their new roles of husband and wife.

Loving God, we give you thanks for the life of our dear sister in Christ, Jean Hawes, following her funeral in Tipton Church last month. We continue to hold her family and friends before you in prayer, that they might know your comfort in their sadness.

6th January – EpiphanyCreator of the heavens, who led the Magi by a star to worship the Christ-child: guide and sustain us, that we may find our journey’s end in Jesus Christ our Lord.

9th January – The Baptism of ChristLord of all time and eternity, you opened the heavens and revealed yourself as Father in the baptism of Jesus your beloved Son: by the power of your Spirit complete the heavenly work of our rebirth through the waters of the new creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.

2024 is provisionally the 4th warmest year on record behind 2022, 2023 and 2014. There is the possibility that global temperatures will breach 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels for the first time in 2025. Time to act is running out. Pray that those in power may prioritise investment in green energy and fulfil obligations to support developing nations away from fossil fuels. May we be challenged to do all we can to help, both individually and as a church.

O Lord our Creator and Father of all, we pray for those who are unwell at this time, be it in body, mind or spirit. Bless all in need that they may know your healing touch on their lives and your peace in their hearts.

In this winter season we pray for all who are struggling to afford to heat their homes and feed their families. We give thanks for the many charities, often church-based, that are providing food and warmth.

17th January – As the Diocese says farewell to Bishop Jackie we give thanks for her ministry amongst us and pray God’s blessing on her retirement.

18th-25th January – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – This year’s material, produced by the ecumenical community at Bose in Northern Italy, reflects on the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea and Jesus’ question to Martha: “Do you believe this?”. May this material help Christians everywhere refocus on the truth of the gospel. Follow the material each day on the CBTI website (

27th January – Holocaust Memorial DayThis year’s theme of ‘For a Better Future’ encourages us all to find out more about the Holocaust and do all we can to ensure we learn from the past. Pray such actions may be seen for what they are and be eliminated from our world today.

29th January – Presentation of Christ in the Temple Lord, you fulfilled the hope of Simeon and Anna, who lived to welcome the Messiah: may we, who have received these gifts beyond words, prepare to meet Christ Jesus when he comes to bring us to eternal life; in his precious name. Amen.

30th January – On World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day we pray for the World Health Organization as it seeks to prevent, control, eliminate or eradicate 20 diseases and disease groups by 2030. They mostly affect those in impoverished areas, and disproportionately affect women and children. We pray too for the ongoing global work of the Leprosy Mission.

“Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.” Soren Kierkegaard