Care for Creation

Caring for our shared planet in prayer and deed

Churches taking environmental action and making lifestyle changes to reduce our carbon footprint

The OVMC commits to the 5th Mark of Mission: "To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth."

The OVMC recognises the climate crisis we are in and has made a commitment to look at our life as churches and as individuals and see where we can make a difference. We have an OVMC Environment Group that meets regularly to learn, share information and good practice and to challenge each other in our environmental efforts.

How we show our care in word and action

A foundation in prayer

Sometimes the problems can feel overwhelming and the issues too big. How can we make a difference? As Christians we believe we make a difference through our prayers and we meet every week to pray intentionally for our environment.

Auditing our churches

All of our churches have undertaken the A Rocha Eco Church audit and several churches have received their bronze Eco-Church award.

While our historical church buildings are extremely difficult to make energy efficient we look at our the green credentials of our energy suppliers, consider the way our churches are lit and how much they are heated.

We encourage people to consider their personal lifestyle choices and we commend the 4 Rs: Resist, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

What are we doing to reduce our impact on the earth?

Our churches use a variety of ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

For more information on these and on the OVMC Environment Group, please contact the OVMC Office.

  • Operate lift share schemes to bring people to church
  • Use a congregational Christmas card
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
  • Twin their toilets through the Toilet Twinning Scheme
  • Support environmental charities
  • Avoid the use of disposables when catering
  • Encourage people to engage with politicians on environmental issues
  • Use recycled paper
  • Reduce paper dependence in our services
  • Relaxed mowing schemes
  • Areas to encourage wild flowers and wildlife
  • Composting areas
  • Recycling points for paper and candles