As churches we believe that getting together often around food is a great way of strengthening and "thickening" our communities
We don’t always meet to do “religious things”, but we enjoy offering times for people to get together and have a good natter. All our churches also run lots of fundraising events so do check the events page for more details of things coming up.
Friendship and fellowship groups
There are lots of ways of meeting people and making friends across the Mission Community apart from Sunday services.
Check the calendar below for any changes to the regular meeting patterns and for location details.
Tea and Toast
Somewhere comfortable to start the week with a cuppa and a chat before you tackle what needs to be tackled. Drop in for tea & toast, and of course something delicious to spread on it! Ideal for young Mums, Dads or childminders (bring your toddlers) and those new to the village.
Newton Poppleford Church Hall
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Term time only
Fiona Gunn on 01395 567077
Soup lunch
Home made soup, cake, hot drinks and good company for only £5.
Payhembury Church
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2nd Monday of the month and not August
Babs Leach on 01404 841409
Soup lunch
Come and enjoy delicious home made soups and puddings, with donations for charities (suggested donation £5).
Escot village hall
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
1st Monday of the month (October to March)
Janet Welch on 01404 850940
Care for a cuppa
Feeling in need of some company and a natter? Drop in for a cuppa & cake and while away an hour or so and catch up with friends. Perfect for those living alone or unable to get about as much as they would like.
Newton Poppleford Church Hall
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
2nd and 3rd/4th Mondays of the month
June Smith on 01395 562994
Men’s supper club
A chance for men to talk and eat together and enjoy a guest speaker. The current charge is £20 which covers wine or non-alcoholic drinks before and during the meal and a contribution towards costs for speakers. Speakers for the upcoming suppers can be found in the Messenger magazine. If you wish to attend, please call the number below or send an email.
West Hill Church Hall
6:45 PM - 9:15 PM
2nd Monday of the month and not July and August
Peter Keith on 01404 812201
Coffee and chat
An opportunity to meet with others over a cup of coffee and to have a chat. It’s a warm, friendly and sympathetic gathering where everyone can get a word in edgeways and leave the premises feeling a lot better about things than when they came in.
Ottery St Mary Church
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Bruce Odlin on 01404 812554
- No groups on this day
Cafe Connect
Drop in for coffee and cake, and relax and chat in a cosy coffee shop-style area
Payhembury Church
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Babs Leach on 01404 841409
Tea and toast
Come and finish the week with a relaxing time of refreshments and chat. All welcome. Donations for the church please.
Feniton sports and social club
8:50 AM - 10:00 AM
Term time only
Cara Sanders on 01404 850262
The Welcome Cafe
A gathering place for chat and friendship for everyone in West Hill. Occasionally we open until 2pm and serve light lunches at a very modest cost.
West Hill Church Hall
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Last Friday of the month
Pam Johns on 01404 814096
Knit and natter group
Come and enjoy some crafting, good conversation and refreshments. All welcome!
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Term time only
Sheila Lanning on 01404 850699
Coffee morning
Coffee, chat and opportunities to buy from the cake, produce and book stalls. We’re always happy to receive donations of cakes and other home made food for sale.
Tipton St John village hall
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1st Saturday of the month
Jenny Parkin on 01404 811720
Friendship lunch
Come and share lunch with friends old and new. Please bring a plate of food to share.
Ottery St Mary Church
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Every 3rd Sunday
Val McIntosh on 07984 525633
Fellowship calendar
Calendar colour key
Colaton Raleigh
Newton Poppleford
Ottery St Mary
Tipton St John
Venn Ottery
West Hill
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To filter the parishes in the calendar, either click on the funnel icon and choose the parish or enter the name of the parish, service or event into the text search field and click the search button.
To change the display to a grid or list of services/events, click on the calendar icon.
Coffee and ChatOttery St Mary Church
Cafe ConnectPayhembury Church
Tea and Toast ClubFeniton Sports and Social Club
The Welcome CafeWest Hill Church Hall
Tea and ToastNewton Poppleford Church Hall
Coffee and ChatOttery St Mary Church
Prayers in ChurchWest Hill Church
Cafe ConnectPayhembury Church
Tea and Toast ClubFeniton Sports and Social Club
Coffee morningTipton St John Village Hall