Holy Communion


April 6th    
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Newton Poppleford Church
High Street
Newton Poppleford
EX10 0EG


When you arrive at the church you will be welcomed and given an order of service and a hymn book.

During the service we offer various forms of prayer: adoration, confession and a special prayer for the week, as well as prayers for the needs of God’s world and his people. We sing hymns throughout the service. We hear readings from the Bible and sermon of 10 – 15 minutes will be preached. The Minister leading the service offers prayers over bread and wine to celebrate the life and sacrifice of Jesus and to remind us of what he did for us. The bread and wine which is then shared out among everyone. Please come up to the front of church, and if you do not want to have the bread and wine please come up for a blessing.

The whole service lasts about an hour.

Tea and Coffee are served after the service.

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