Lent Course

A picture of someone praying with a bible


March 13th    
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Newton Poppleford Church Hall
High Street
Newton Poppleford
EX10 0EG


Have you ever found yourself wondering why your prayers haven’t been answered? During Lent there will be a wonderful opportunity to use this season of reflection to deepen our understanding of what happens when we pray to God. In a 5-part course starting promptly at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings (refreshments available from 7pm onwards) from 13th March to 10th April we’ll be exploring specifically the challenge of unanswered prayer. Each evening will be rooted in the Bible and include a video presentation, time for discussion and, most importantly, a time for prayer. All are welcome to join us at the Meeting Place in Newton Poppleford and please feel free to simply listen to what others have to share and to pray in silence as we learn together. You can find out more about the material we’ll be using on this website: The Prayer Course II – Unanswered Prayer.

For more details contact David Williamson.

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Located next door to the church, accessible either from the High Street or from the car park above.