Life Events

Working with you to mark significant milestones

In special and meaningful words, music, and prayer

Church services are deeply personal and deeply spiritual

Our lives are punctuated by significant events. Over centuries the church has developed services that provide a framework for understanding and exploring these times in our lives. Churches are places where the whole cycle of life is experienced and held. Your life event is woven in to the centuries old story of the church and is never lost. Whenever you come into church you can remember and feel close again to that day and all it meant.

Start your life event

Have you got engaged and are thinking about getting married?

Have you had a baby and are amazed at this wonderful new person you have created?

Have you just lost a loved one and are wondering what on earth you do next?

Have you decided to confirm your Christian faith?

If the answer is yes to any of these, then your church is here for you. When you come to church for a baptism, confirmation, wedding, or funeral you are working with people who understand the importance of these times in your lives. The church has services that help you express what you are feeling using words that are familiar and traditional. But churches also make your special day personal and unique to you.