Baptism is the start of a lifelong journey
Baptism (or Christening) marks the beginning of someone’s journey with God. The Christian faith is based on the promise that God wants a relationship with us, and at baptism we commit to wanting to be a relationship with God and discovering more about him in the person of Jesus Christ.
Becoming baptised
Why be baptised?
The key to Baptism is commitment. You can be baptised as a baby, a child or an adult and the Church of England welcomes all families for Baptism – whatever shape that family takes.
At a baby or child’s Baptism godparents play a key role in promising to support the child in their journey of faith. Godparents do need to be baptised themselves in order to make these promises. If there are people you want to be part of your child’s life who are not baptised they can act as Sponsors and make their own non-faith commitment to your child.
As a person gets older and able to make decisions for themselves the need for Godparents disappears and adults make the commitments of faith for themselves. You can of course invite people to share the special occasion and support you in your faith journey.

What's the process?
Baptisms can take place during a Sunday morning service with the local congregation present, or they can be separate stand-alone services on a Sunday afternoon. They are conducted by members of the clergy team who will be very happy to work with you on hymn choices and other elements that make the service special and personal to your family. All our churches are delighted to welcome Baptism families, and you will be kept in prayer by the church community.
There is no charge for baptisms but there will be a retiring collection for the work of the church and sometimes other charities, especially those that support children.

Not quite ready for baptism?
If you think that Baptism is not really a commitment you want to make just yet for your child, the Church offers a service of Thanksgiving and Dedication. This is an opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of a new child and mark the creation/growth of a new family unit.
For more information about christenings in an Anglican Church please visit Church of England Christenings or use the Contact form on this page to get in touch.

Book your baptism
Please complete the form below if you have a child you would like baptised. The OVMC Administrator will then contact you to discuss the Baptism and help you plan the best church service possible.
Please complete the form below if you are an adult wanting to be baptised. The OVMC Administrator will then contact you to discuss the Baptism and help you plan the best church service possible.