
Owning the faith commitment as an adult

Churches helping people make a public expression of their faith

Confirmation is an important milestone in the lifelong journey of faith

Confirmation is about renewing your baptismal vows as an adult and making a commitment to the church. It is part of the journey of belonging and service that is the mark of our Christian discipleship.

Becoming confirmed

When people are baptised as babies or toddlers, their parents and godparents make promises on their behalf. When people become adults the Anglican Church offers a Service of Confirmation, when people can own and “confirm” these promises for themselves.

Support before and after confirmation

Classes are provided to ensure people understand as much as possible the faith which they are affirming. These are usually weekly hour long sessions that run before and after the actual service of confirmation . All those wanting to be confirmed across the OVMC come together for these classes and they are a great way of learning together and supporting each other both before and after the service.

Making the commitment

To be confirmed, you attend a Confirmation service which is a time of great joy and rejoicing. This special service is usually in Ottery St Mary and the Bishop presides at this service. There are hymns, readings and sometimes those being confirmed talk about their faith. The Bishop lays their hands on the head of those coming for confirmation and asks God’s Holy Spirit to give the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of their lives. After the Bishop has laid hands on each person’s head there will be special prayers and at the end there will be celebratory refreshments!

Further information

  • Confirmation is offered to anyone over 10 (no upper age limit!) who feels ready in their heart to make this commitment of faith publicly.
  • There is no charge for confirmations, though there will be a retiring collection at the end of the service.
  • For more information about getting confirmed in an Anglican Church please visit Church of England Confirmations or use the Contact form below.

Start your confirmation process

Confirmation booking form
Confirmation form