
We believe in the power of prayer

Churches working together to support each other in prayer

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do

Prayer is offered liturgically in our churches at times of worship, but prayer is also something we do as individuals in church, at home, at work, and at play.

Focus church this month

Tipton St John and Venn Ottery

We give thanks for:

  • Our musicians and a desire to try new songs and hymns
  • Open the Book volunteers and their work with the school
  • A thriving homegroup
  • Our PCC members

We pray for:

  • New churchwardens
  • The congregation to grow
  • The school governors and staff as they plan for the school’s future
  • The parish—that people will hear the gospel

For Venn Ottery please pray for the best future for the church, being thankful for recent well-attended services but also for the PCC as difficult decisions have to be made about the building.

Prayer focus: Families

We pray for families under pressure where poverty, sub standard accommodation, long term illness or unemployment make daily life stressful and difficult. We pray for those supported by benefits and those struggling to keep a sense of hope and aspiration.

We pray for those whose families have broken down and where relationships are strained. We pray for healing and forgiveness where difficult things have been said or hurtful things done. We pray for grandparents who due to their children’s divorce no longer see their grandchildren.

We pray for those who have no family: those who find themselves orphaned at whatever age and those who end up being the last of their family. We pray for those who feel lonely in their family as they might have different views or gifts from everyone else.

We pray for families who don’t match the “traditional” model: for those parenting alone or for those parenting as Dad and Dad or Mum and Mum. We pray for all blended families where step bothers and sisters and step Mums and Dads work out how to live together and apart.

We pray that family life could be strengthened and that everyone could have a happy and positive experience of being in a family. We pray too that families could resist the temptation to compare themselves or judge themselves against others as every family is unique.