Prayer is at the heart of everything we do
Prayer is offered liturgically in our churches at times of worship, but prayer is also something we do as individuals in church, at home, at work, and at play.
Focus church this month
We give thanks for:
- The commitment of all the people who help in keeping alive our church in Harpford and the Mission Community.
- The Book of Common Prayer and the joy of sung Evensong which most people coming to our church seem to appreciate.
- The dedication of our Vicar, Mark Ward, and our organist, John Maybery
We ask prayer for:
- More people in the community to engage with the church in Harpford.
- For someone to step forward and replace the current churchwardens who are getting rather old.
- Continued financial support for the church in our community.
- The health and well being of all people in our community.
- The continued support of the Diocese to our church.
- Strength and guidance to maintain our church.
Prayer focus: Christmas
we pray:
For everyone that they may know the Christ Child born for them.
May our churches be full this Christmas, but beyond that,
may everyone come to feel God’s love for them and want to come and worship.
For all those who produce our Christmas food and presents:
may they be paid fairly and treated well.
Help us to think carefully about our footprint on the world this Christmas.
For those who will be apart from loved ones: for those serving in the armed forces,
those living too far from relatives, those in hospital or care homes.
For all children excited about the season.
For all children spending Christmas with 2 families
or those spending a first Christmas in a new family or blend of family.
For all those who will be alone this Christmas.
All those spending a first Christmas without a loved one.
All those who will be without a home this Christmas.
For all those who will be working over the Christmas period –
those in retail, hospitality, the prison service, the emergency services and all those in the NHS.